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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 8x
What is 4 sale and How...

Question 1.
Who is the salesman?

A Private-Person
Jörg Müller
August-Bebel-Str. 27
15344 Strausberg

Telefon: / E-Mail: ... see Contact

Question 2.
What is 4 Sale?

Privately, selling NO Provision or Kickback
one Unit ( business premises, seclusion )
2 shop windows
ground-floor First Row-House or terrace house.

Could be rebuild to a condominium.
Plus terrace area ( 13,25 m² ) in the Backyard for relaxing
August-Bebel-Str. 27 ( abs27 )
Inclusive a registry in the land registry, of course
for other Units or the hole property
(mutual) and
Exemption for 20 years from renovation or refurbishment costs
outside of your / this commercial unit.
for further description details
see below the Pictures in the Gallery.

Question 3.
Are there any other
Units or
this or other
properties 4 Sale?


Question 4.
Is the property
in an excellent location?


see: "Getting There" and "general description and situation"

Question 5.

145 000 € for negotiations
Inclusive area in the Backyard like a terrace
>> see: Planung EH1 Balkone 3D <<

Question 6.
What is 4 Rent?

Privately, renting ... NO Provision or Kickback
ground-floor Second Row-House
business Unit
One quit, light flushed room
Office and terrace
formerly bakery then Yoga-Room
eventual plus Garden

Question 7.
Price for Renting?

customary in a place and
dependent on the Time and

Question 8.
Heating System?

central in the cellar
modern / Heating Condensing Technology
one heat meter per Unit

I am happy to anser more questions ...
see contact
It is possible to look at the rooms any time.
We can arage an appointment via contact
or you could just use the doorbell
of good luck. ;-)